Thursday, November 03, 2005

11/3/2005 - If I Was Your Girlfriend

Song: If I Was Your Girlfriend
Artist: Prince
Why this song is the current jam: Ok so I was just talking about Prince's amazing Frankenstein(the doctor not the monster)-like ability to create life out of synthetic parts? Well here it is in full form, in my favorite Prince song of all time. There is a synergy here, between the squeaky vocals, the pleading lyrics, the sparse track, and one of the best hooks of all time. You should know this about this song - if you dont like it, it is possible that we will never be friends. I played this for an old girlfriend years ago in the car cuz she wanted to hear some Prince songs I liked. She started giggling at the squeaky falsetto and I stopped the song right there and turned on the radio. I told her maybe later. Then she apologized for hurting my feelings. She didnt hurt my feelings then - I just thought less of her. I know that's some cold shit, but this is my man we are talking about. And really if you dont already own this album and song, I dont know what is wrong with you but you should go fix it right now and get "Sign 'O' the Times". Quick note on this album/song - the first time I heard this song, which was never like a big single release, was when my dad bought the album. "Your dad?!" you say? "How cool is he?!" Well cool, but let me explain. He bought "Sign 'O' the Times" for a really great song that he liked - "My Prerogative". Unfortunately this song was by Bobby Brown, and oddly enough, could only be found on his album. But anyways, my dad also liked U Got the Look, so he was happy about that, and he was the first one to play this very song for me, so in the end, he is cool. Thanks pops.


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