Tuesday, November 29, 2005

11/29/2005 - Hold My Hand

Song: Hold My Hand
Artist: Van Hunt
Why this song is the current jam: This song sounds like some old school Prince to me, and I think that we covered the fact that according to Peter, that is a very good thing. I found out about this guy from John Legend's iTunes celebrity playlist. I liked the song he listed on there, so I checked out his album on iTunes, and I liked a lot of the other songs a lot more. This one is special to me because I can hear the Prince influence really strong on this one, but there are other tracks on the album that are just as good. The lyrics on the album get me as well, because he comes off as a guy who has been hurt in relationships, and not just some cool R&B crooner type, and that smacks of honesty, which I am a fan of. Hope you like.


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