Wednesday, March 01, 2006

3/1/2006 - Something in the Water

Song: Something in the Water
Artist: Prince
Why this song is the current jam: Ok this is off of the SEMINAL, CRUCIAL, ESSENTIAL album, 1999. Prince has so many damn hits that they are hard to avoid, but I am gonna try to share a few of my favs that you may not have heard a million times. Basically most of this album is pretty fuckin sweet, but I wanted to highlight this song in particular. It captures a lot of what I really love about the man back in the day. The music itself is 100% hyper-artificial. He has this programmed drumloop, with the crazy high hat and the weird computer noises. He has a pretty trite set of lyrics for the most part, "does not compute" and "something in the water" etc. But here is the magic part, he manages, through the combination of these disparate elements, to create something with real human energy and emotion. If there is one thing that Prince does well, it is longing (usually sexual longing although here it is less specific). Prince as the scorned lover, hanging on to that which causes him pain, it works for me, I dont know why. I can believe his pain, his yearning. I love the atmospheric, pained quality of this song. This man can sing a song. This is one that you maybe have to listen to from the right perspective to appreciate, but I entreat you to give a listen from a few different angles, and see if you can find the beauty herein.


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