Sunday, February 19, 2006

2/19/2006 - I'm Going Home

Song: I'm Going Home
Artist: Prince Conley
Why this song is the current jam: I don't know much about this dude, and the link on his name is the only information I could really find on the interweb. (and that is about all the exhaustive research I'm am down for at moment) I do know though, that this song is hot. It is has a certain sound that I think nowadays would make people think of Pulp Fiction - there is a wierd sort of near-surfer edge to the guitar line. But, there is something funky about this song - the fuckin HORNS, and the guitar itself is played so hot. And the little break where the band swings it for a minute keep it out of this realm for me. This is from the Stax label before it was called Stax - it was Satellite. And I guess that this was the first time that Steve Cropper played for the label, so that makes it a big deal in and of itself, because he was one of the original bad motherfuckers of soul music. He played on all of the big Stax hits and here is a little sample of him on his own (with a hot band) later. The track is just ok, but the intro is about the hottest fucking thing I have ever heard. This is his version of Funky Broadway.


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