Friday, February 10, 2006

2/10/2006 - If You Really Love Me

Song: If You Really Love Me
Artist: Stevie Wonder
Why this song is the current jam: Pop Quiz - who is a good singer/songwriter? The answer in 2 words: Stevie fucking Wonder. I mean really, his voice. Let's just say, he can sangg. But on this song, there is this thing he does, where the song just explodes with energy and joy and yearning. I think it is because of the arrangement, the melody, but perhaps above all, just the presence of Stevie in the thing. The way he brings it down to barely anything, then he goes all Emeril and kicks it up about 10 notches back into that glorious chorus. He just wants to hear so badly that this woman loves him. He wants so much to let himself be in love with her, but like so many fellas, he needs to hear that it is safe for him to commit to this one person. I know that's the way I like it - "yeah, I'll be into you and stuff, but could you just sign in blood here that you officially are into me so I wont be rejected in any way? Ok great thanks." Ok so Stevie puts it more eloquently.

I dedicate this one to Manu, cuz he is a preposterously big fan of Stevie and I am just learning to be. I am a little baby when it comes to music, but I am hungry. I cant believe sometimes how much music there is out there, and by people whose names I know, and who I would say, "oh yeah, I totally like so and so" but without ever really spending any time listening to their shit. What a poser I am. Anyways, here's to getting into some more Stevie, I highly recommend it.


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