Sunday, January 29, 2006

1/29/2006 - Tomorrow Never Knows

Song: Tomorrow Never Knows
Artist: The Beatles
Why this song is the current jam: Here is why the Beatles kick ass. I have been studying up on my Beatles, ie actually listening to their albums rather than just saying I liked them. Fuck they are good. Listen to this track from 1966 (aka 40 years ago). This is off of their Revolver album. It is weird and psychedelic and let's just remember that this is 40 fuckin years ago. Listen to the bizarre, dense layers of sound and the relentless repeating structure, with no verse/chorus blah blah. Even fuckin RINGO is gettin into the act here. The drums on this track are fuckin powerful, their stuttering attack power this song forward. Now listen to Bloc Party, from all accounts the greatest thing since sliced bread. Here is their song, Like Eating Glass. This song is just a normal song dressed up with a fast, agressive beat and kick ass bassline. Now, I like this song, but it comes off a little dickless in comparison to the Beatles one. Check out Theme for the Outcaste from Untouchable Outcaste Beats. This has some similar elements, and again, I dig it, but it is just the planet rock beat with some hot ass drum sounds and atmospheric effects. I feel like what the Beatles did was so different and more creative in terms of structure, sound, lyrics, production, all that shit, it really is crazy. I'm not shitting on any new bands or anything either, I like Bloc Party and I like this Outcaste beat, but I am just saying, if they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, then the Beatles are sliced bread itself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck I love the Beatles!! I've been wanting to listen to them lately so thanks for posting a song from them! When I was in my last years of highschool there was a big Beatlemania where I lived.. Brings me back. :)

I love that with all the different sounds and components heard throughout this song, it all fits and works together. I think this one will be on repeat for a good part of the day!

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! The other songs do seem kinda flat compared to the Beatles song!

10:16 AM  

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